In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. SALAWAT OF FATIMA AL-ZAHRA Salam Allah Alayha as Narrated by her Maghribee
Grandson: Sayidi Shaykh Mawlana Abd al-'Aziz al-Dabbagh al-Hasani, NafunAllahuBee (1718 CE) of Fès,Morocco in his book: (The
Book of PURE GOLD) Kitâb al Ibrîz alladi talaqqahu 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Dabbagh, which is a collection of the teachings & life
of a Moroccan Sufi Mystic: :Abd al-'Azîz al-Dabbagh", a Great illiterate Sufi who aroused the admiration of the scholars of
his time. O Allah, Shower Your Blessings upon him whose Spirit is the Prayer-niche of all Spirits, all Angels, & all that
Exists. O Allah,shower Your Blessings upon him who is the Arch-leader of the Divine Prophets & Messengers! O Allah, shower
Your Blessings upon him who is the Arch-leader of the people of the Exalted Firdose Garden of Paradise,the servants of the
One God of the Believers! ALLAH-humma salli al man Roohu Mehraabu-l-Arwahi wal-Mala-ikati wal-Kawn. ALLAH-humma salli alah
man huwa Imam-ul-Anbee-ya wal-Mursaleen. ALLAH-humma salli alah man huwa Imamu Ahlil-Janathil Firdoe-say Ala wa Ebaadilahil-Mumineen.
O You who reveal Beauty & conceal Ugly things!
Recite Fatiha For Muhammad Atta-ullah Fayzaanee |
Mawlana Muhammad Atta-ullah & Myself |
"Praise be to Allah, the King of Kings, Who has guided us to the DEEN of Islam,never could we have found Guidance,had it not
been for HIS Mercy & Guidance. When Hadruth Sulayman bin Dawood Alay Salaam, built the Sacred House, he asked Allahu Jala
Jalaalahu for the 3 things throughout. He asked Allah (Exalted is He) for Judgment coinciding with ALLAH's Judgment, & he
was given it, he asked for a Kingdom none would have after him, & he was given it. He also asked, when he finished the foundations
of the Masjid, that none would come to it, intending only to pray, but that his sins would be forgiven like the day he was
born from his mother. -Sunan Nasai
Mawlana Faizani (Mawlana Muhammad Atta-ullah Faizani) was born 17 April 1923 (the twenty-first day of Ramadan of that year)
in Herat, Afghanistan to a family of miagan (religious scholars descended from a great Islamic saint). The Honorific "Faizani",
a derivation of an Arabic word which denotes something that overflows with God's light (blessings), was bestowed upon him
by the Imam of the Kaaba during his Hajj.
Assalamualaykum Wa RahmathAllahee Wa Barakata-who,
OUR ANCESTORS PRAY FOR US.From Mawlana Shaykh Nazim's Notebook:Someone asked Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (Qaddas Allahu sirrahu),
In the Afterlife, do our (Barzakh) parents, ancestors & friends know about us? Mawlana said, Between the two prayers Maghrib
& Isha, all souls of the Afterlife are called to Sidrat al-Muntaha, the furthermost region, to the Lote Tree, where deeds
of people still living on Earth are displayed before their eyes, everything that happened in the past 24 hours," like
how we watch TV.
Allahumma adkhilhu alayna bil Umni wal Eeman, was Salamati wal Islam, wa Ridwanim minar Rahman, wa Jiwarim minash Shaytaan.
O Allah, bring this [month or year] upon us with security, Iman, safety, Islam, your pleasure & protection from Shaytaan.
(Al-Mu'jamul Awsat of Tabarani, Hadith: 6237)
The Angels who carry the Throne & those around it Glorify the Praises of their Lord, have faith in Him, & seek
forgiveness for the believers,praying "Our Lord! You encompass everything with Your Mercy & Knowledge, So forgive
those who repent & follow Your Way, & Protect them from the torment of the Hellfire.
8 angels carry the throne of ALLAHU-Dhul Jalaalee are as follows:
1. Dud-waya-eel
2. Dud-faya-eel
3. Suth-faya-eel
4. Ath-maya-eel
5. Kum-kaya-eel
6. Sum-kaya-eel
7. Sum-saya-eel
8. Zun-jaya-eel
Whoever memorizes their names won't die until seeing his/or her dwelling place in the center of Jannah, in Sha Allah.
According to Senegal's finest Khadima 'al-Rasool- Shaykh Ahmadou Bamba (A Peacemaker for Our Time) NufunAllahuBee in his
book: "The Gifts of The Most Sacred"
https://www.faizani.com/ |
Kullu Nafsin Zaaleeqatul Maut
Every soul will taste Death -Quran 3:185}
Everyone is so afraid of death, but the real Sufees laugh at it, nothing tyrannizes their hearts. What strikes the oyster
shell doesn't damage the pearl -Mawlana Rumi alay Salaam
Mualah Ali KarmAllahu Wajhu Alaih Salaat wa Salaam |
I said to ALLAH:- "I will not die before I know you."
ALLAH replied, "He who knows me never dies."
-Maulana Rumi RahmuthAllah Alay
This is article from an email I received & read with joy, it's from
Al Sears, MD
11905 Southern Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
October 5, 2021
Syed Saifuddin Ali Khan,
Traditional Asian healers have used Reishi mushrooms to help patients sleep for more than 2,000 years.
So, I wasn't surprised when researchers confirmed that this fungus is a safe and highly effective sleep aid.
Using animal studies, researchers found Reishi works by influencing certain gut microbes that naturally produce neurotransmitters.
In turn, these chemical messengers act on serotonin pathways in the brain.
A healthy gut-brain connection is essential for quality sleep. You see, 80% of neurotransmitters reside in your microbiome,
including 90% of serotonin.
This backs up earlier research which found the Reishi mushroom has an incredible ability to calm the nervous system and promote
a state of deep relaxation.
In this study, 132 volunteers found a significant reduction in fatigue and improvement in overall well-being after using Reishi
for eight weeks.1
As you know, a good night's sleep is your first line of defense against the chronic diseases we associate with aging.
Unfortunately, most doctors today lack even a basic awareness of the thousands of years of accumulated medical wisdom that
now exists only in traditional cultures. They know almost nothing about nutrition or medicinal herbs, or their vital role
in preventing diseases.
So, doctors dole out prescription sleep aids which act directly on receptors in the brain to slow down the nervous system.
But, these dangerous drugs impair motor skills and brain function. They're also highly addictive & cause severe liver and
kidney damage. They can damage your cardiovascular and immune systems.
And they don't work...
A study by the National Institutes of Health found that prescription sleeping pills only add an additional 11 minutes of sleep
a night!
I never prescribe sleeping pills to my patients. At the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine, we use natural medicines
that take a different, safer route.
I've been recommending Reishi nicknamed the mushroom of immortality for years to promote health. In addition to helping you
sleep, these medicinal mushrooms can strengthen your immune system, reduce the risk of cancer
Increase good cholesterol to protect against heart disease
Support healthy blood sugar levels
Reduce risk of depression and anxiety
& now I plan to recommend them to patients who have trouble falling and staying asleep.
Use Reishi To Get A Good Night's Sleep
I don't recommend Reishi supplements. A recent study in Nature found that a shocking 74% of Reishi supplement products were
I suggest that you buy dried, ground Reishi mushrooms online. Look for a product that is 100% USDA certified organic and has
been lab tested to rule out heavy metal and biological contamination.
I like using the powder to make a hot milk drink that's perfect before bed.
1 cup full-fat coconut milk
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tbsp fresh ginger, finely chopped
1 tbsp fresh turmeric, finely chopped
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp Reishi mushroom powder
1 tbsp raw honey
Add both milks, ginger, turmeric, and pepper in a small saucepan. Bring to a simmer over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally.
Turn off the heat, cover, and let stand 5 minutes.
In a blender, combine heated milk mixture, reishi powder, and honey until smooth. Drink and enjoy.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
Click on this photo to understand Santa Clause |
Celebrate Jesus's Birthday on the 10th Muharram instead |
Narrated Ibn Abi Nu'm: A person asked `Abdullah bin`Umar RadeeAllahu Anhu whether a Muslim could kill flies. I heard him
saying (in reply). "The people of Iraq are asking about the killing of flies while they themselves murdered the son of
the daughter of Allah's Messenger SallAllah walayhee waSalim, who said, They (i.e. Hasan & Husain) are my two Sweet Basils
in this world."
Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 3753
Dua of Hadruth Kab Radee-Allahu Anhu alaih Salaam as taught to him my Blessed Nabee RasoolALLAH SullAllahwalaheeWaSalim
I seek refuge in Allah, the most Greatest. There is nothing equal to His Greatness. I also seek refuge in His complete
& powerful Words, which can't be surpassed by any good or bad person, (I seek refuge in) all the Names of Allah which
I know & which I don't know, from the evil of all those things which He created, & created them errorless & scattered
them all over.
Virtues: The person who recites this dua once in the morning will be safeguarded from magic. Hadhrat Kab bin Ahbar (RA)
said that if I had not recited this dua, the Jews would have transformed me into a donkey.
Dua for a GREAT DEATH |
https://emeraldmountain.tripod.com/nikah4u/ |
Make a Click on this Photo to get to my Marriage Hadith Site |
Assalamwalaycome wa RahmuthALLAHee wa Barkaatahu wa Maghfira-tahu, Dear Friends, My Great Sunni Grandfather Imam Muhammad
al-Baqir KarmAllaho Wajhu Alaih Salaat wa Salaam NafunAllahu-Bee has said: The scholar whose Knowledge is made use of &
benefited from, is worthier & more virtuous than seventy thousand worshipers & adorers.
I'm in search for the Best Dentist to do a Gold Foil Restoration?/or something holistically BETTER,in Sha Allah. If you
are one, don't you agree that if an Amalgam is made with a High Content of Selenium, the hazardous effect of the Mercury will
be terminated. Do you also agree there are no harmful effects in Colloidal Mercury from Utah's Prehistoric Humic Shale, therefore
if it's used to make a Selenium based amalgam, then it will cause no hazardous effects like regular mercury amalgams?
I wish you will all convince Dr. Joel Wallach founder of Youngevity Colloidal Minerals or his friends to make for us a
custom made amalgam, in a Vaccine type bottle that could be used for people infected with the Covid Virus as well as others
who have cracks in their teeth. If it were up to me, I would love to design & manufacture an Amalgam with, Selenium (Which
is the Antagonist of Mercury), Cardamom, Ajwa Date Extract, Copper, Zinc, Silver, Bee Propolis, Abay Zum Zum (Miracle Holy
Water), Nigella Sativa-Black Seed(Kalonji), Black Seed Oil, Organic Eugenol Clove Oil, Wild Oregeno Oil, Durreh Najaf Stone
(Quartz), Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, and most of all Colloidal minerals from Utah's Prehistoric Shale with the help of
my favourite Doctor. Dr. Joel Wallach of longevity. I think this would be the greatest remedy for improving our health, in
If you fear a Dentist may be a corrupt propagandist (LIE-ER), lying to get you, to pay for extractions & implants,
thereby milk you out of your MONEY.
The best solution to avoid dental visits, which may put our life in jeopardy is by making our own homemade Recipe-Tooth
filling, in Sha ALLAH.
Things we may need: 1/8 tsp. Zinc Oxide powder 1 drop of Eugenol-Clove oil &/or Wild Oregano Oil.
We can try getting Zinc Oxide powder from Amazon.ca &/or we might find it a Health Food Store or a Pharmacy, in Sha
ALLAH. First mix the two until it becomes a thick putty. Ensure the tooth is dry and using a rounded toothpick,tamp the putty
into the cavity as hard as possible. After tamping the putty, floss down and pull through without lifting the floss back to
avoid the risk of pulling out the new filling. For the remaining putty, put a piece of plastic wrap over as it will prevent
it from drying out. You can use it again and again until you find a Dentist who REALLY fears ALLAH, & cares about you.
7 Ajwa Dates can prevent poisoning, in Sha ALLAH The Messenger of Allah, Prophet Mohammed (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam ) said,
If Somebody takes seven ajwa dates in the morning, neither magic nor poison will hurt him that day. [Sahih Bukhari, Book #71,
Ajwa dates Hadith #664 (also 663, 672)] The Messenger of Allah, Prophet Mohammed (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam ) also said,
Ajwa dates are from paradise. [Tirmidhi (2068) hasan Saheeh Referring to eating seven Ajwa dates, the Messenger (Sallallaahu
Álayhi Wasallam) said, He will not be harmed by anything until he reaches the evening. [Sahih Muslim (2047)] Aisha (R.A) reported
Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The Ajwa dates of Aliya contain heating effects and these are antidote
in the early morning. Sahih Muslim, Book #023. Hadith #5083 Narrated Sad: (Another narrator said seven dates). (Sahih Bukhari)
Below are some Benefits given to Dates: 1- Dates are considered as a natural resource for nutrition, it provides the body
with high percentage of proteins, minerals and vitamins e.g. Vitamin A, B1, B2 and BB which are constructive ingredients for
building up the body tissues & muscles. 2- Dates also help in pregnant womens delivery; it activates the womb muscles in the
months of pregnancy and helps in the womb movement at the time of delivery as well dates minimize the post-natal blooding.
3- Dates help in healing the liver from many parasitic diseases & a good medicine for hepatitis and it contains vitamins B2.
4- Dates vitalize the aging so it delays the aging elements and it provides immunity against brain and body tiredness. 5-
Dates are easy to digest, Stimulates the urine, clean the kidneys & useful to the liver 6- Dates are good appetizer. Dates
are the perfect natural snack Ajwa Dates are good to use for the following things: 1- Effective in preventing abdominal cancer.
2- To prevent anemia. 3- To strengthen the nervous system and increase of energy production. 4- For the treatment of hypertension.
5- For healthy bones. 6- For healthy skin & eyesight. 7- Protecting from pellagra, (a disease which is manifested as dermatitis.)
8- To treat dementia & fatigue. 9- To reduce triglycerides & cholesterol levels (LDL) in the blood. 10- To protect the heart
& the circulatory system. 11- For protection against atherosclerosis, heart problems, & for protein metabolism.
Black seed / Kalonji (Nigella Sativa)known as Al-Habbat ul sawda, black caraway & Kalonji has been around for a long time
& has been used since antiquity by Asian herbalists & pharmacists, & was used by the Romans for culinary purposes.
Aisha RA said that she heard the Messenger PBUH said"Black seed is a cure for every disease except death(Bukhaari).
Salim Bin Abdullah narrates with reference to his father Hazrat Abdullah Bin Omar that Rasool Allah (PBUH) said "Let
fall these black seeds upon you, these contain a cure for all diseases except death" Hudhruth Buraida narrates that Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) stated "Shooneez (Black Seed) is a cure for all ailments except death".
Pure Kalonji-Black seed honey is an exclusive monofloral honey that is made by bees feeding on Nigella satvia flowers
only. Unlike black seed oil, black seed honey has a sweet flavor and exquisite aroma & lets you experience some of the
black seed benefits while also giving a treat to your taste buds.
Why is Black Seed / Kalonji Honey So Good & Healthy
Black seeds exhibit high nutritional & bioactive value. The seeds contain amino acids such as arginine, aspartate,
cysteine, glutamate, and methionine; nutrients such as iron, zinc, copper, calcium, phosphorus, niacin, thiamin, & folic
acid. Additionally, alkaloids, saponins, sterols, & essential oils are also present - black seeds contain 28 established
bioactive phytochemicals.
When you look at the list, it is no wonder that a large body of modern scientific studies confirm the medicinal value
of black seed and found a wide spectrum of pharmacological traits. Black seed has antimicrobial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory,
immunomodulatory, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, gastro-protective, reno-protective and antioxidant properties.
Humans are not the only ones to reap all the health benefits that black seed has to offer. Bees readily collect, nectar,
pollen, oils, and other trace elements from black seed flowers & turn it into delicious, potent medicinal honey they use
to keep their colonies healthy.
Bees collect these products along with the nectar & store it in their colonies. Besides using honey for food, they
also use the essential oils, antibacterial & antiviral components they had foraged. You could say that the honeycombs
represent both food storage & a pharmacy. The fact that they can enhance their colonies health by storing the bioactive
compounds & using them as needed gives them a great evolutionary advantage over other insects.
Here is a short list of Black Seed / Kalonji Honey Benefits:
* Strengthens the heart
* Reduces blood pressure, cholesterol, & Blood sugar levels
* Boosts immunity & eases indigestion
* Relieves cough & chest congestion
* Serve as an anti-inflammatory agent
* Purifies the blood & activates the liver
* Acts as an antihistamine
* Acts as a diuretic & cleanses the urinary system
* Improves thyroid functions
* Reduces pain & stiffness associated with rheumatoid arthritis
Click on this link: Psychology of Believer |
http://al-adaab.org/sheikh/psych_of_believer.html |
The following was originally posted to the HCPLive network blog Shrink Rap.
Okay, Kevin MD today was the final straw. I am so sick Shrink-bashing. We're insensitive, drug-pushers who don't talk to our
patients, don't listen to our patients, don't care about our patients. We're in it for the quick buck and "Tell-me-about-your-mother"
has been replaced by "Here's your script, NEXT!"
First there was the NY Times article about how shrinks now see 40 patients a day, and the story was about a shrink who tells
his patients it's inappropriate for them to tell him their problems. Oy. Shrink Rap commentary HERE.
Next there's MovieDoc who calls shrinks of my ilk who see patients for meds and therapy "sporkiatrists." Jacks of all trades,
masters of none, as if one person can't possibly do two things well. You know, I walk and chew gum at the very same time (oy,
I'm snarky today).
Oh, and there's the commenter on our Psychology Today blog, Shrink Rap Today, who writes:
'Shrink''Antipsychotics' ('neuroleptics') have been proven to SHRINK the human brain... the frontal cortex, for instance...
by about 1 percent loss of brain matter per year... There is horrific fallout from these drugs -So, 'SHRINK' is certainly
appropriate.'Rap'Psychiatry, along with its partner in crime, Pharma has a RAP sheet a mile long, particulary in the areas
of clinical research, done by psychiatrists... the "off-label" marketing of psychiatric drugs to children, Medicaid fraud...
the 'RAP' sheet is quite long.
The National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) recent report on fluoride neurotoxicity, provides compelling scientific evidence
that fluoride exposure is consistently associated with lower IQ in children. This authoritative report validates longstanding
concerns about the dangers of fluoride and highlights the necessity for immediate policy changes to protect public health
according to The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT).
The NTP’s comprehensive analysis draws from a large body of scientific evidence, including numerous studies that have
found a significant correlation between fluoride exposure and reduced cognitive function in children. The report emphasizes
that the risk is particularly pronounced for babies whose developing brains are most vulnerable to the neurotoxic effects
of fluoride.
IAOMT: Biological Dentistry & Systemic Health is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work,
consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
The 5 uns of Water Fluoridation: Unproven, Unsafe, Unethical, Unnatural, and Unnecessary. Was an
Amazing Speech given by Dr. Hardy Limeback and Mr. Peter Van Caulart at theTotal Health Show (Toronto, April 4 –
6, 2014), http://www.russellblaylockmd.com/ I hope some one will write a book on it soon. Why can't the Government use OZONE to purify water instead,
Finally the long awaited gorgeous summery days are upon us. As the
temperature increases, we rather see you quench your thirst with an exquisite health promoting option, the Medical Grade Ozone
Water, rather than “energy” drinks that are sold in pharmacies and grocery stores. This water is naturally refreshing
and instantly re-energizing. There are 99 outstanding benefits to the consumption of Medical Grade Ozone Water.
We do not like to preach but if you know of anyone who should revisit
their consumption of “fizzy” (slizzy) drinks, the information below will come handy!
According to the
article in The Telegraph, the fizzy drinks:
1. Increase our risk of cancer 2. Raise our risk of heart
disease 3. Lead to diabetes 4. Cause liver damage 5. Make us violent 6. Cause premature birth in pregnant
women 7. Change your brain 8. Cause premature aging 9. Cause early puberty 10. Make us fat 11. Increase
our risk of Alzheimer's
You may like to read the whole report on the warnings issued by scientists regarding daily
consumption of soft drinks “11 reasons to renounce your fizzy drink habit” here. https://freshairpurifiers.net/upload/iblock/20c/new_living_water_manual.pdf What is ozone? Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen that stimulates an oxidative reaction in
the body which causes profound beneficial effects. Frank Schallenberg states that if Ozone was a big Pharma drug it would
be the leading selling drug in the world!
Imam Hasan alaih Salaam, Peace be on Him, is the Lord of the youth of Heaven. He was one of the two persons in whom the progeny
of the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless Him and his family, was limited. He was one of the four person through whom the Prophet
made the contest of prayer with the Christians of Najran. He ws one of the five persons whom the Prophet covered with his
cloak. He was one of the twelve Imams whose obedience Allah made incumbent on people. He was among those who were purified
from sins as the Koran says. He was among those love Allah made one of the two valuable things (thaqalayn). Thus whoever cleaves
to them does not go astray. He was the plant of the sweet basil of the Apostile of Allah may Allah bless Him and his family.
The Prophet loved Him and asked Allah to love those who love Him.
Imam Hassan Radee-Allahu Anhu (a.s.) has said:
Whoever relies on the excellence of Allah's choices,
does not wish to be in other than the situation that Allah has chosen for him.
Jashan-e-Wiladat of the 2nd Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba Radee-Allahu Anhu(a.s.) is celebrated by the Shia and the AHLAY KHAIR-
Best of Ahlaih Sunnah wal Jammah on the 15th Ramdhan
Try your best to avoid eating eggs that have been laid by OMINIVEROUS Chickens, because the eggs they lay may contain
traces of pork, I hope these eggs: will be certified halaal in the future, inShAllah:http://www.burnbraefarms.com/consumer/faqs/naturegg_best.htmc
Make a Click below to find out how doctors are making Cancer Victims Sufffer: http://www.naturalnews.com/054501_chemotherapy_victims_nutritional_donations_Health_Ranger.html
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: It's permissible to use gold, this is agreed upon (among the scholars). Our
companions said: It's permissible to use an (artificial) nose or tooth made of Gold &/or Silver; similarly, putting fillings
of Gold &/or Silver in teeth is permissible. End quote from Sharh al-Muhadhdhab, 1/312 In al-Mawsooah al-Fiqhiyyah, 11/121:
The Fuqaha are unanimously agreed that it is permissible to use a nose made of Gold. The Malikis ,Hanbalis, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan
among the Hanafis, & the Shaafais, said: (This also applies to) teeth. Shaafais added: fingertips. The Malikis & Hanbalis
also stated that it is permissible to treat a tooth or teeth with Gold. The basic principle concerning that is the report
about Urfujah ibn Asad (may Allah be pleased with him). al-Athram narrated from Moosa ibn Talhah, Abu Jamrah ad-Dabi. Abu
Raafi ibn Thaabit al-Banaani, Ismaaeel ibn Zayd ibn Thaabit & al-Mugheerah ibn Abdullah, that they fixed their teeth with
Silver diamine fluoride can stop tooth decay with one drop, no drilling required.The treatment is non-invasive and costs a
fraction of a traditional filling.
Silver Diamine Fluoride, commonly referred to as SDF, is a topical medicament that can be applied to teeth in order to
treat dental cavities for patients of all ages. For the first time ever, SDF effectively allows dentists to treat cavities
in a way that avoids any numbing or drilling. Until now, there has been no other intervention or treatment strategy that has
been so effective in eliminating cavities other than traditional fillings, which involves numbing and drilling.
It's too bad we ONTARIONS. Don't have GOLD FOIL Dentists like: Dan B. Henry, DDS, FACD, FICD, that can perform Gold Foil Restorations.
Gold foil restorations are fillings that are the most healthy and longest lasting of all the technique to repair a patient's
tooth. They are made out of 24 carat gold. There are very few dentists who know how to do this technique. Some consider it
old technology. but I prefet fillings that promote Health & Longevity. This filling technique should not become a cosmetic
issue because these fillings are placed in areas, and in ways, where they are not visible in normal smiling or talking. They
simply are the best, longest lasting and healthiest fillings you can receive! For example, white fillings tend to fail after
about 5-6 years, silver fillings after 10-12 years. Gold foil fillings, on average, should last 40-50 years before they need
to be repaired not replaced.
Lemon & grapefruit are the most acidic, while orange is the least acidic of the group. Did you know that a kiwi actually has
more Vitamin C than an orange? & its actually gentler on your teeth.
A JUST Yahoodee-Jewish Dental-Clinic is much BETTER than the Arab Fraudulent Muslim Clinic- QT Dental 905-896-3622 in my opinion,
because even though they offered me a FREE Toothbrush, some Dentists fabricate LIES for the sake of business. Sometimes I
feel like sewing their Dentist, I think he's the Husband of El-Badrawy for Medical Malpractice FRAUD-LIES,(Lied about me having
many Cavities)
Unlike,The Oriental Dentist-Dr. Bertha Luk@Regal Heights Dental centre- 930 St. Clair Avenue West . Toronto . Ontario
M6C 1C8 rhdentalcentre.com/modern-technology/
They have a holistic, preventative, & comprehensive approach to complete dentistry, which is Closer to Islamic Dentisty.
I've copied & pasted from Mrs. Schecter's email to me in order to Inform you about their: Comprehensive
Dental Health Regimen, because it seems to me like they want to work together to help prevent gum disease & cavities.
This message is from the email to me: We will individualize your treatment and provide you with specific oral hygiene recommendations.
Below is a general overview regarding holistic oral health prevention. Please take a read through and let us know if you have
any questions or concerns.
We all want to use the appropriate products to aid in our health. Patients want to use the best toothpaste and the right
floss. However, your health is not just about the products you buy. Unfortunately, there are no magic bullets to prevent gum
disease or tooth decay. Your oral health is predicated by your life choices. We all have susceptibilities for various diseases.
Some of us are more naturally susceptible to disease in our mouths. Maintaining a clean and balanced lifestyle will reduce
pressures on our systems and minimize these susceptibilities. We can then optimize our health and use minimal intervention
when necessary. We recommend combining all of our hygiene products with a balanced approach to oral health. Ideal oral health
can only be realized together with optimal overall health. A balanced system will lead to balanced health. It is important
to develop a regiment that accounts for adequate sun, sleep, activity, stress relief, water, and diet. If our systems are
off kilter than we are fighting an uphill, inflamed, acidic battle. Remedies, rinses, and products will help us cope with
symptoms but these core issues ultimately need to be addressed. Please explore the natural hygiene philosophy towards living
for further information. It is important to work together with a mindful primary health practitioner.
We are proud to offer a variety of experienced practitioners in our office. Elizabeth Leslie (holistic nutritionist),
David Nortman (Naturopathic Doctor + Homeopath), and Brice Bonnard (Osteopath) are available to consult with you regarding
your oral health and systemic health choices.
General Tips For Optimum Oral Health!
1. An ideal acid/alkaline balance
2. An intelligent and thoughtful intake of carbohydrates
3. Appropriate daily oral hygiene and regular dental checkups
4. Ideal overall hygiene that includes a proper balance of sun, sleep, stress, diet, & activity
Gum Disease:
Gum disease is a result of multiple factors including diet, systemic conditions, and oral hygiene. It is a reflection
of host response and microbial activity. In other words gum disease is a combination of our susceptibility to the disease
along with the quantity of virulent parasites, fungi, and bacteria present.
Understand this through the example of the flu. If you are in the room with someone who has the flu, you may get sick.
If you are on the other side of the room, or have a minimal exposure to the virus, you will not get sick. If the sick person
is breathing right into your face, your immune system will be overloaded, and you will get sick. If you are somewhere in the
middle of the room, your immune strength, or host susceptibilities ability to ward off the virus, will dictate if you will
get sick. 93% of North Americans suffer from some level of gum disease. This is due to weak immunity and microbial overload.
A microscopic plaque analysis can show you the microbes living under the gums. Anaerobic Spirochetes, Candida, and Amoeba
all thrive in an acidic environment. They feed off inflammation and rely on poor oxygenation and lack of blood flow. Oxygen
will disrupt these organisms and bring health. The challenge is reaching the depths of the pockets around teeth to properly
disrupt the bugs. We will help to guide your hygiene protocol. For deeper pocketing, a water pik with an antimicrobial solution
can be invaluable to condition and target unhealthy microbes. The water pik will also provide the dual function of massaging
the gum area thereby inducing blood flow that oxygenates.
Ozone Treatment
Ozone treatment is incredibly effective in combating gum disease. It is arguably the most effective treatment. It effectively
kills fungus, parasites, and bacteria. The real key to ozone is that is gets drawn towards the infection and as a gas can
diffuse everywhere. The challenge with gum disease is reaching the depths of the pockets where these nasty bugs reside. Ozone
can get there with the proper technique.
Ozone oil can be used as toothpaste. Keep the ozone oil in the fridge. Place a week's amount in a smaller glass or metal
container in the bathroom to use for daily brushing.They can fabricate remineralizing trays; which you can load with ozone
oil. Use these for an hour daily or sleep with them overnight. This is particularly useful for those with dry mouths, lots
of dental work, or more advanced gum disease. It is also remarkable for sensitive teeth and to prevent decay.
There are also exceptional office treatments using ozone. Irrigating the gums with ozone water before and after a cleaning
will help to eliminate microbes and inflammation. This will reduce the inevitable septicaemia caused when cleaning teeth.
A long thin tip can deposit ozone water at the base of every pocket, circling around the teeth. For more advanced gum disease,
specific in office trays can be made. These are placed in the mouth directly after a cleaning. A special seal is formed and
the mouth is fumigated with ozone gas. The gas will penetrate around older dental work, into the gums, and help arrest new
Stop Suffering from Gum Disease
Unfortunately, the failure with oral health care is that we focus too much on the antimicrobial substance placed in the
mouth. Stronger toothpaste & mouthwash rinse & regular floss does not seem to stem the tide of gum disease. This is
why 93% of North Americans continue to suffer even though hygiene is better than it ever has been. There is another side to
the issue. The level of microbes residing under the gums elucidates a response from the body. This host response is the inflammatory
response. The body recognizes foreign invaders or microbes and sends its immune fighters, the white blood cells, otherwise
known as inflammation. It is the inflammation that actually causes the puffy red gums and causes the bone to recede. Bone
recession or gum disease is an auto immune disease, a result of an overactive system.
Understand this in relation to a splinter in your finger. The splinter, or foreign object, triggers an acute inflammatory
response in the body. Immune cells will surround the splinter and attempt to erode or engulf it. Some redness and puffiness
will surround the splinter. In the mouth, this inflammatory process switches from an acute response to a chronic issue. When
inflammation sits chronically for the long term, it starts to erode the surrounding structure in addition to the foreign object.
Bone is being lost and gums are receding because of the body's actions. Therefore, regulating the inflammation is key to controlling
gum disease. In general our systems are inflamed. Inflammatory diseases are widespread epidemics in North America including
heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, stroke, chrons and colitis, obesity, allergies, and gum disease. Inflammation travels
throughout the body. So one area of inflammation will exacerbate another area. Gum disease makes diabetes worse and diabetes
worsens gum disease. All the issues are interrelated and tend to compound each other.
Healthy Living
The key to living a healthy life is to truly balance sun, sleep, exercise, stress, water, and diet. This will reduce inflammation
and encourage ideal immune function. When blood sugar and blood pressure are under control, gums are much healthier. With
ideal cortisol levels following adequate sleep, exercise and controlled stress, gums are healthier.
Occasionally the body will need some fine tuning even along with an ideal balance. This is where a primary health practitioner
comes into play. Together with ideal life balance, homeopathy or acupuncture can help adjust imbalanced or susceptible systems.
Tooth Decay
Cavities result from an acid/alkaline imbalance. Acid demineralizes the tooth and creates cavities. This acid typically
is produced by bacterium (Strep Mutans) which consume the sugars in our diet. It is important to appreciate that this includes
all carbohydrates from simple sugar to complex grains. Obviously, simple sugar is worse, but any form of sugar creates an
acidic attack on the teeth
In order to buffer (in other words protect us from) acids, saliva should have a PH of over 7. Cavities form when there
is an imbalance between the alkalinity in our saliva and the acidity in our mouths.
There are several factors which influence our capability to buffer acid in the mouth. The alkalinity of our saliva is
dictated by the overall pH of our system. If our overall system is acidic or inflamed then our salvia will be more acidic
as well. This will reduce the effectiveness of the saliva which will throw the balance off & lead to decay.
If we are continuously attacking our teeth with acid, our saliva will never have a chance to catch up. Regular snacking,
highly acidic foods and acidic beverages can wreak havoc on our teeth. It is far better to take all the sugar snacks in the
week and eat them in one sitting vs. eating them slowly throughout the week. It is also far better to have a shot of espresso
than sip on a coffee throughout the morning. Tooth decay truly comes down to host susceptibility and bacterial load. In laymen's
terms it means how much harmful bacteria you have in your mouth and how susceptible (acidic imbalance) is your system. If
you are susceptible (acidic), imbalanced, or if you have a severe amount of bacteria, you are more likely to develop decay.
It is important to keep in mind that these bacteria are contagious. It can be transferred through a shared utensil or a simple
kiss. Their products can help to neutralize the bacteria. However, it is even more important to have a strong host.
To help prevent decay:Minimize sugar intake, Maintain an alkaline diet, Embrace healthy fats,Ensure that your stomach
pH and intestinal pH are ideal,Manage acidic attacks in the mouth,Maintain proper oral hygiene protocols,Balance your systemic
Comprehensive Approach to Oral Health:
Here are several easy steps to follow in order to manage your acid/alkaline balance and start the first steps to a comprehensive
preventative dental health regimen:
This does not replace a consult with a health practitioner. Rather, consider this a step towards an informed consultation
Perform a pH test to get a baseline. The instructions are available at or up at reception.
2. Check your water source. Several filtering system, particularly reverse osmosis, can severely acidify water. Unknowingly
giving yourself and your family highly acidic water can decay the teeth and also lead to other systemic issues. 3. Become
a nutritionist. Focus on foods that are high in nutrients. The higher nutrient/calorie foods will provide for the body without
adding unnecessary calories and strain. This is the true foundation.
4. Diet is another important factor in the acidity of your system. It is important to eat a more balanced diet. Refined
foods, processed foods, stimulants, and animal products are all acidic. Unfortunately, too many of our children subsist on
dairy & bread.
A Primary health practitioner can help guide a family through such a transition. Taste and food addiction begin at a very
early age, arguably in the womb.
Read ingredients when feeding yourself and your family. Too many products have hidden sugars amongst other unhealthy ingredients,
particularly supplements (often gummy multi-vitamins and some liquid probiotic). Even if they are sugar free, they can be
highly acidic. They sit on the teeth and literally dissolve the enamel.
When eating carbohydrates, make sure they are higher on the glycemic index
5. It isn't just what we eat but our eating habits that impact tooth decay. Chewing our food mindfully and slowly will
activate our enzymes and allow for proper digestion. This will also provide time for our body to signal when we are satiated
to avoid overeating.
From a dental perspective it is much better to eat equivalent amounts of sugar in one sitting rather than eat it all day
because our saliva needs a chance to catch up with the acidity provided by our diet. Typically an acid attack following eating
will last 20-40 minutes; eating or snacking more frequently can lead to a greater rate of decay.
During this time, your outer layer of enamel is softened and it is important not to brush your teeth during this time.
Rather, wait 30 minutes after eating acidic food so that you don't wear away the hardest part of your enamel.
It is ideal to rinse with something alkaline, like natural baking soda (aluminium free) and water, for 30 seconds.
6. Brushing and flossing together is critical. After brushing there should be no snacking except for water. Babies will
develop decay if they are nursing at night, particularly from a bottle. Simply wiping the teeth with gauze is helpful.
7. Make sure you bring your child into the dentist for a check up. I typically advise starting at the age of two; if there
is a high rate of decay in your family perhaps even earlier.
A helpful hint is that it is great for children to watch their parent's or sibling's hygiene appointment. I find it preferable
to have them in for positive sessions where we can play with Mr. Slurpee and Mr. Sun, count teeth, and ride the chair.
8. Lets do a microscopic analysis of your plaque. Unhealthy microbes such as bacteria, Candida, and amoeba can be seen
on the slide in addition to inflammation (acidity) levels. This is a great preventative tool to assess susceptibility and
root cause of disease. It doubles as a great teaching tool, especially for children. All children respond to watching the
bugs on the screen and it improves a patient's understanding of their oral health...
Keep in mind that Strep Mutans and other pathogens in the mouth are contagious and easily transmitted when kissing and
sharing food. Similar microbes are common in families.
Natural Oral Health Products
OZONE: Ozone, when used in therapeutic dosages has zero toxicity and no side effects. Our own immune system's neutrophils
(white blood cells) produce ozone to combat disease. One molecule of ozone has the equivalent antimicrobial strength to 5000
molecules of chlorine. Because of ozone's negative charge, it has a tremendous affinity for inflammation and infection. Ozone
gets pulled like a strong magnet towards the problem. And because it is a gas, it can diffuse everywhere. So ozone is incredibly
IODINE: The great thing about the iodine treatment is the ease of application. Simply dry the teeth and apply Provo-iodine
once every 2 months. This simple step aids in arresting harmful bacterial growth while killing the bacteria that have formed
in a layer on our teeth. Coconut oil has been shown to prevent decay. Sunflower oil is used in traditional Ayurvedic oil pulling.
We use 100% vegetable glycerine to avoid any toxicity. Product choice is important. We have worked to develop mindful, safe
products which you can rely on. We want a product that works. That is used by a dentist and backed by scientific data
We want a product without preservatives or additives but rather with goodness and health.
We want a product we could use with our baby and with our grandmother.
We want to develop a product that is created in our backyard. There is minimal footprint and maximum safety.
We want a product stored in a safe container so we don't have to be concerned about phthalates and hormone disrupters.
The threshold PH for enamel dissolution is 5.5.
Drink PH Level= Water 7.00 DietCoke=3.90 Diet7-UP=3.67 Sprite=3.42 Gatorade=2.95 Dr. Pepper=2.92
Hawaiian Fruit Punch=2.82 Orange Minute Maid=2.80
Coke Classic=2.63 Pepsi=2.49 Battery Acid=1.0
One day Hadhrat Bayazeed Bastami rahmathAllah alaih while in meditation, saw himself in a synagogue dressed as a Jew. At first
he was confused, but when he kept on seeing the same vision over and over again, he decided to enact it. So, he dressed himself
as a Jew and went to their synagogue.When the Jews and their scholars were present, their chief Rabbi stood up to speak. But
when he stood up, his tongue became stuck and he could not talk. After he had been standing quietly for some time, the Jews
started to complain. The Rabbi said, "In this gathering there is a follower of the Prophet Muhammed (sallAllahu Alay
he-wassalam) & I cannot speak because he has come to examine us. On hearing this, their anger raged like wildfire and
they asked the Rabbi to give them permission to kill this follower of the Prophet Muhammad (sallAllahu alaih he-wassalam).
The Rabbi replied,He cannot be killed without proof, so we must talk to him peacefully and respectfully and then we can shall
The Rabbi then said, "Oh follower of Muhammad (sallAllahu alay-he-wassalam). For the sake of your Prophet please
stand up in your place. If you can remove our doubt about Islam then we shall accept Islam, but if you can't, then we shall
kill you. On hearing this, Hadhrat Bayazid rahmathAllah alay stood up & gave permission for them to question him.
Rabbi: What is one and not two?
Bayazid: Allah.
Rabbi: What is two and not three?
Bayazid: Night and day.
[Quran chapter 17 verse 12: & And we made night and day two examples]
Rabbi: What is three and not four?
Bayazid: The Throne, Chair, and the Pen of Allah.
Rabbi: What is four and not five?
Bayazid: The Torah, Bible, Psalms, and the Quran.
Rabbi: What is five and not six?
Bayazid: The five compulsory Prayers.
Rabbi: What is six and not seven?
Bayazid: The six days in which the Earth, the sky, and whatever is in between them was created.
[Quran chapter 50 verse 38: ;And we created the Sky and the Earth and whatever is between them in six days”]
Rabbi: What is seven and not eight?
Bayazid: The seven skies.
[Quran chapter 67 verse 3, & Who created the seven skies layer upon layer!&]
Rabbi: What is eight and not nine?
Bayazid: The bearers of the throne of Allah.
[Quraan chapter 69 verse 17: & And they will lift their Lord's throne on themselves on that day, eight persons]
Rabbi: What is nine and not ten?
Bayazid: The villagers of Hadhrat Salih peace be upon him in which the mischief mongers lived.
[Quran chapter 27 Verse 48: & in that city there were nine persons who created mischief on the Earth, & they didn't
Rabbi: What is ten & not eleven?
Bayazid: The person who performs a minor pilgrimage along with the major one and doesn't have the capacity to sacrifice
an animal, he has to keep ten fasts.
[Quran chapter 2 verse 196: So keep the three Haj days & seven fasts when you return]
Rabbi: What is eleven, twelve and thirteen things which Allah has mentioned?
a) Bayazid: Hadhrat Yusuf had eleven brothers.
b) The twelve months in a year.
[Quran chapter 9 verse 36: & The number of months, with Allah , is twelve months]
c) Hadhrat Yusuf saw thirteen things prostrating to him.
[Quran chapter 12 verse 4: & I saw in a dream eleven stars, the sun and the moon, I saw them (for my sake) prostrating
(to me).]
Rabbi: Which is that nation which lied and went in to paradise and which is that nation which said the truth and entered
Bayazid: a) Hadhrat Yusuf's brothers lied but they went to paradise.
[Quran chapter 12 verse 17: Oh father! We went out to run & we left Yusuf with our belongings, then he was eaten by
the wolf.]
b) The contradiction between the Christians and the Jews was true but they went to hell.
[Quran chapter 2 verse 113: The Jews said that the Christians are not on any path, & the Christians said that the
Jews are not on any path, even though they all read the book]
Rabbi: What is the meaning of Quran chapter 51 verse 1-4: By the ships that scatter broadcast; And those that lift and
bear away heavy weights; And those that flow with ease and gentleness & those that distribute and apportion by Command?
Bayazeed: The meaning of flying scattered ships is air, the meaning of weight carrying ships is water filled clouds, the
meaning of calmly sailing ships is boats, and the meaning of the last is the angels which distribute the sustenance.
Rabbi: What is that thing which has no soul nor any connection with breathing, yet it breathes?
Bayazid: It is the dawn, for it has no soul but it still breathes.
[Quran Chapter 81 verse 18: & the morning, when it breathes]
Rabbi: What are those fourteen things to which Allah talks with honour?
Bayazid: The seven earths and the seven skies,
[Quran chapter 41 verse 11: Then He said to it and to the Earth, come both of you with happiness or hardly, They said
we will come happily.]
Rabbi: Which is that grave which moves the person in it around?
Bayazid: The fish of Hadhrat Yunus alayhi salaam.
[Quran chapter 37 verse 142:Then the fish took him as a morsel]
Rabbi: Which is that water which neither came up from the earth nor down from the sky?
Bayazid: The water which Hadhrat Sulaiman alayhi salaam sent to Bilqis, Queen of Sheeba, for it was the sweat of a horse.
Rabbi: What are those four things which had no father nor were born from a mother's stomach?
Bayazid: The sheep of Hadhrat Ismail, the she camel of Hadhrat Salih, Hadhrath Adam Alaih Salam and our Hawa (Eve) Salaam-Allah
Rabbi: Whose blood flowed first on the Earth?
Bayazid: It was Habil (Abel) when Qabil (Cain) killed him.
Rabbi: What is that thing which Allah created and then bought?
Bayazid: A believers soul.
[Quran chapter 9 verse 11: Allah bought from the Muslims their souls.]
Rabbi: What is that voice which Allah created and then spoke ill of?
Bayazid: The donkey's voice.
[Quran chapter 31 verse 19:Without doubt the worse voice is of a donkey]
Rabbi: What is that creation that Allah created and from it's greatness created fear?
Bayazid: Women's scheming.
[Quran chapter 12 verse 28: Truly, mighty is your scheming.
Rabbi: What is that thing that Allah created and then asked about?
Bayazid: The staff of Hadhrat Musa.
[Quran Chapter 20 verse 17: What is that in your right hand, Oh Musa? He said "This is my staff"]
Rabbi: Who are the most pious of the women and what are the blessed rivers?
Bayazid: a) The most pious women are Hadhrat Eve, Hadhrat Khadija, Hazart Aisha and Hadhrat Fatima.
b) The most blessed rivers are the Oxus, Simwon, Tigris, Euphrates and Nile.
Rabbi: Which is the most blessed mountain and the most blessed animal?
Bayazid: Mount Toor in Makkah and the horse.
Rabbi: Which is the best of all months and the best of all nights?
Bayazid: The month of Ramdaan and the Night of Power.
[Quran Chapter 2 verse 185:The month of Ramdaan in which the Quran was revealed]
Quran chapter 97 verse 3:The night of power is better than a thousand months]
Rabbi: There is a tree which has twelve twigs, each twig has thirty leaves, and each leaf has five fruits, two in the
sun and three in the shade. What is the meaning of this tree?
Bayazid: The tree means one year, the twigs mean the twelve months, the leaves represent the thirty days, and the fruits
are the daily prayers, two of which are prayed in the day and the remaining three which are prayed at dawn, at dusk, and in
the night time.
Rabbi: What is that thing that circled around the Kabah in Makkah even though it had no soul?
Bayazid: The boat of Hadhrat Nuh alayhi salaam. In the time of the flood it arrived in Arabia and circled around the Kabah.
Rabbi: How many prophets did Allah send as Messengers?
Bayazeed Alaih Salaam Said:"Only Allah knows, but in narrations it is said that Allah created 126,000 prophets from
which 313 were Messengers.
Rabbi: What are those four things whose roots are one but their colours and tastes are different?
Bayazeed: Eyes, ears, mouth and nose.
The wetness of the eye are sour, the wetness of the ears is acid, that of the noses is also acid and the wetness of the
mouth is sweet.
Rabbi: What is the voice of the donkey called?
Bayazid: It is the curse on the tax takers.
Rabbi: What is the voice of the dog called?
Bayazid: Doom on the dwellers of Hell by the anger of Allah.
Rabbi: What is the remembrance of the ox?
Bayazid: SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi, subhanAllah il adheem.
Rabbi: What is the remembrance of the camel?
Bayazid: HasbunAllahu wa naymal wakeel.
Rabbi: What is the remembrance of the peacock?
Bayazid: Huwal Wadood, dhul Arsh-il-adheem.
Rabbi: What is the beautiful recitation of the nightingale?
Bayazid: So remember the pure Allah when it is morning and evening.
Rabbi: What is that thing which Allah sent revelation on, but it was not human, Jinn or Angel?
Bayazid: The honey bee.
[Quran chapter 16 verse 68: And your lord gave order to the honey bee.]
After this the Rabbi couldn't ask any more questions & became quiet. Hadhrath Bayazeed rahmathAllah alaih said: "Now
you give me the answer to my one question. What is the key to paradise? The Rabbi replied,"If I give you the answer to
that question, this gathering will kill me."
The gathering shouted in one voice: "We shall not do anything. Now tell us the true answer!"
The Rabbi then said, "Listen! the key to paradise is:
There is no God worthy of worship except Allah & Muhammad(SullAllahAlayheWaSalim) peace be upon him is His Messenger!
On hearing this the whole gathering accepted Islam & Hadhrat Bayazeed KarmAllahu Wajhu Alaih Salaam NufunAllahoBihee RahmathAllah
alaih returned giving thanks to Allahukareem Raheem Rabbil Alameen-TabarkAllahu AhsanulKhaliqeen Source: Ibn-ul-Waqt 8211;
Issue 24
Mental illness is a Spiritual problem!, not a biological problem. Giving drugs to fix the brain of mentally ill people is
like overhauling the engine of a car because the driver keeps hitting telephone poles. Imagine you have a habit of driving
your car into the ditch. Each time this happens, you take the car to a mechanic who tells you the problem is a bad engine
and recommends overhauling it. He tells you his scientific diagnostic instruments say there is no sign of a chemical imbalance
inside the engine and all is OK. But he believes the engine (brain of the car) needs a costly overhaul.
Speak Up and Stay Alive Patient Safety RadiOh! with Bruce Wiseman
Satanic MDs possessed with making a fortune from your DEAD BODY and Wicked Psychiatrists prescribe
drugs, leading to your BRAIN DEATH, try your best to avoid making the greatest mistake of your life, by agreeing to meet with them, after your interview with them
they shall make up a FRAUDAULENT PROPAGANDA Consultation Report making you appear as a crazy LUNATIC that
needs to be put on drugs, and/or hospitalized, these evil people may then laugh and think of themselves as the" LIE-INS" and you as their Lamb, after you become brain dead / and or end up missing they shall
then sell your body to the Evil Surgeons. So don't
be like the Goldfish in the aquarium, taking what ever Satanic Pills they may prescribe!,
and watch the REAL STORY(http://www.smithsonianchannel.com/shows/the-real-story/the-silence-of-the-lambs/679/135959) of what inspired the movie "Silence of the Lambs"
before you take the risk of meeting them, if you ignore my words, you may feel like
the Ben Richards (Arnold) from the movie: The Running Man! I
suggest we have a vote, during the elections if Canadians would rather be given prescribed coupons to purchase medicine
from the health food store, rather then going to a doctor to get the dangerous side-effects causing prescription drugs,
which the Government at the moment, is more fond in funding. This website offers a much better way
to improve mental health conditions: I hope our honorable
Ministers of Health will start introducing in Canada, doctors that can fix fingers without having to resort
to the surgery, http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/common/ inshALLAH I had a similar injury, in Rugby
as this guy on:
When a person enters his bed (to sleep), a Malaaeekah (Angel) & a Shaytaan surround him. The Shaytaan whispers & says:
May your awakening End in evil & the Malaeekah says: End in good, but if one sleeps after engaging in remembrance of Allah
(The Exalted) the Angels will protect him throughout the night.(Hisnul Hasin)
Checkout the Healthy Food at bulk 'n bits ! My friend
Mrs. Yasmeen Siddiqui @YasmeenAC Likes to sell pictures that incorporate ALLAH's beautifull names blended with
Science, design, and holistic strategies for energy-efficient and energy-harmonized healthy architecture and interiors. http://www.architecturecures.com
It has been discovered that the names of
Allah Subhana Wa Taala have
healing power to a large number of diseases.
The precision methods in the measurement of energy within the human body, show that every one
of the names of Allah Subhana Wa Taala stimulates energy in the immune system of the human body to work efficiently
in a certain ideal human body. The mere mention (reciting) of the names of Allah Subhana Wa Taala leads to
improvement in the tracks of bio-energy within us! 1. Ear – As Sami (The all Hearing) 2. Bone –
Al Nafi (The creator of good) 3. Backbone - Al Jabbar (The Compeller 4.
Knee – Al Ra uf ( The Clement ) 5. Hair – Al Badi ( The Originator) 6.
Heart – Al Nur ( The Light) 7. Muscles – Al Qawi (The All Strength) 8.
Heart Waves – Al Wahab (The giver of All) 9. Heart Muscle – Al Razaqq
(The Sustainer) 10. Nerve – Al Mughni (The Enricher) 11. Artery –
Al Jabbar (The Compeller) 12. Stomach – Al Razaqq (The Sustainer) 13. Cancer
– Al Jalil ( The Mighty) 14. Thyroid – Al Jabbar ( The Compeller) 15.
Thigh- Al Rafi ( The Exalter ) 16. Migraine – Al Ghani (The Rich One) 17.
Eye Arteries – Al Muta ali (The Supreme One) 18. Kidney - Al Hayy (The Ever Living
One ) 19. Colon – Al Ra uf (The Clement) 20. Intestine – Al
Razzaq ( The Sustainer) 21. Liver ¬- Al Nafi (The creator of good) 22. Pancreas
– Al Bari ( The Make of Order) 23. Fatty Sacks – Al Nafi (The creator of good) 24.
Womb - Al Khaliq ( The Creator ) 25. Bladder – Al Hadi ( The Guide ) 26.
Rheumatism – Al Muhaymin (The Guardian) 27. Prostat – Al Rashid (The Righteous
Teacher) 28. Nerves of the Eye – Al Zahir (The Manifest One ) 29. Pineal
Gland – Al Hadi ( The Guide ) 30. Blood Pressure – Al Khafed (The Abaser ) 31.
Lung – Al Razzaq ( The Sustainer ) 32. Thymus Gland – Al Qawi ( The All Strength
) 33. Gland above the Kidney – Al Bari ( The Make of Order) 34. Hair
Peel - Al Jalil ( The Mighty) 35. The Nasal Cavities – ( Al Latif – Al Ghani –
Al Raheem ) 36. Eye – ( Al Nur – Al Basir - Al Wahab) Method of treatment: -- Lay your hands on the place of pain
and praise Allah Subhana Wa Taala names above according to your disease until the pain heals or cure
away inshallah. Note: Please keep in mind whatever takes place in result of reciting the names of
Allah( Subhana wa taaala) depends on the will of Allah the Almighty. Protection
from blindness
My Dear Islamic Brothers! I will bring to your attention such a disease in which the real moisture of
the eyes become less or finishes completely and the patient eventually becomes blind.
Physicians have researched that
if the eyebrows are wet frequently then one can be protected from this dangerous diseaseAlhamdu-Lillah !
The one who
performs Wudhu and washes his face means that his eyebrows will also become wet.
Those lucky individuals who have
decorated their faces with the beautiful beard should listen carefully as Professor George Ail states, 'When one washes the
face and the beard, the bacteria on the face and the beard are cleansed.
The roots of the hair will become strong
when water reaches them. If one passes the fingers through the beard (with the intention of acting upon the Sunnah) he will
not get nits.
Not only that but if one leaves water in the beard, he will be saved from pain in the veins in the neck,
thyroid gland and other such illnesses of the neck.' The hidden part of Wudhu
' When you have done Wudhu and you are ready to pray your
Salaah, consider that you have purified most parts of your body which others can see, but have you purified your hearts which
Allah will see. You should have shame if you pray to Allah and your heart is not clean. Your heart is purified by
repenting and not committing bad actions or things and it is better to adopt good things. The example of the one who cleans
his outer self and doesn't pure his inner self is like the person Who invited the king to this house and to greet him, he decorates and cleans his garden but leaves the inside
of his house dirty. This person is not entitled to being rewarded; he is only entitled to the king's anger. Seminar in Western Germany
is on the rise in the western countries and more mental asylums are becoming full with patients. Psychiatrists are always
investigating cures for depression. A Pakistani psychiatrist who holds a diploma in Western Germany states, 'A seminar took
place in Western Germany on a cure for depression without the need of [Banned Word Used].' A doctor attended this seminar
and surprised the audience by saying that he was treating his patients by making them wash their face 5 times a day and within
a short period of time the treatment started to have an effect. He then treated another group of patients by making them wash
their hands, feet and face 5 times a day and they also started to recover from their illnesses. At the end of the speech the
doctor said, 'I confess that fewer Muslims suffer from depression as they wash their hands, face, and feet many times in a
day by performing Wudhu.'
Wudhu and high blood pressure
A heart specialist says
with importance that those who have high blood pressure should be made to perform Wudhu and most definitely, the blood pressure
will become normal. A Muslim doctor says, 'The best cure for depression is Wudhu.' Western doctors treat their patients by
placing water on some parts of their body, which is just like Wudhu.
Wudhu and paralysis
While performing Wudhu, the body parts are washed in a certain
order and there are many benefits regarding this. When the hands are washed first, the nerves become aware of the water.
Slowly, the effects travel to the face and the veins of the brain. The one who washes his hands first during Wudhu followed
by rinsing of the mouth and sniffing of the nose, then washing the face followed by the rest of the body parts is saved from
becoming paralysed. If the individual starts Wudhu by washing his face and neck first, he/she will have many illnesses. Assalawalaycum wa rahmath-Allahee wa-Barkaatahu, Maulana Jalalud-dean Roomee RahmuthAllah Alaih in
his Mathnawi writes, “ O’one who travels to Najef to visit the tomb of Ali must know the fact that the pearl of
the Kaaba lies there to give us security because of our intense love for him."May Allah send Infinite blessings on RasoolAllah
Sallahwalayee wa salim and all his Lovers, especiallay the Pearl of Konya, Maulana Jalaalud-dean Roomi RahmuthAllah
Alaih - Salaat wa Salaam
Dear Friends,
Did you know that one of the most remarkable duels in history took place during the Battle of the Ditch between Ali bin Abi Taalib and Amr
bin Abdu Wud. Amr (We shall call him the Giant!) was a huge man of a tremendous height and bulk, and while on his feet would
tower above his fellow men. Sitting on his great horse, he looked positively unreal. Big, strong and fearless, he had a fierce
countenance--an aspect which thrilled his comrades and dismayed his enemies.
Amr stood motionless as he let his gaze
wander scornfully over the ranks of the Muslims. Suddenly the Giant raised his head and roared, "I am Amr bin Abdu Wud. I
am the greatest warrior in Arabia. I am invincible. Is there anyone among you who has the
courage to meet me in personal combat?" The challenge was received by the Muslims in silence. They looked at one another.
They looked at the Holy Prophet. But no one moved, for the Giant was famous for his strength and skill, and though wounded
several times, had never yet lost a duel, nor spared an opponent. It was said that he was equal to 500 horsemen; that he could
lift a horse bodily and hurl it to the ground; that he could pick up a calf with his left hand and use it as a shield in combat.
The vivid Arab imagination had created around this formidable warrior a legend of invincibility. So the Muslims remained silent,
and the Giant laughed with contempt--a laugh in which the Quraish also joined, for they stood quite close to the ditch and
could see and hear all that went on. "So is there none among you who has the courage of a man? And what of your Islam? And
your Prophet?" At this blasphemous taunt, Ali left his position in the front rank of the Muslims, approached the Holy Prophet
and sought permission to engage the challenger and silence his insolent tongue once and for all. The Prophet replied, "Sit
down. This is Amr!" Ali returned to his position. There was another burst of scornful laughter, more taunts, and another challenge.
Again Ali went up to the Prophet. Again the Prophet declined permission. More laughter, more taunts. Again the challenge from
Amr, and this time more insulting than before. "Where is your paradise?" He shouted, "Of which you say that those who lose
in battle will enter it? Can you not send a man to fight me?" When for the third time Ali moved towards the Prophet, the Prophet
saw in Ali's eyes a look which he knew well; and he knew that Ali could no longer be restrained. He looked at Ali fondly,
for Ali was dearer to him than any other man. He took off his turban and wound it around Ali's head. He next took off his
sword and girded it at Ali's waist. And he prayed: "O Lord! Help him!? Now in Ali's hand, was the sword to become the most
famous in Islam, killing more men in fair combat than any sword in history. This was the Zulfiqar. Ali hastily collected a
small group of Muslims and strode out towards the unbelievers. The group stopped at some distance from the Giant, and Ali
stepped forward and got to within dueling distance of the challenger. The Giant knew Ali well. He had been a friend of Ali's
father, Abu Taalib. He now smiled indulgently at Ali as a man might smile at a boy. "O Amr!" called Ali. "It is believed that
if any man of the Quraish offers you two proposals, you always accept at least one of them." "True." "Then I have two proposals
to offer you. The first is: accept Allah and His Messenger and Islam." "I have no need of them." "Then dismount from your
horse and fight me." "Why, O son of my brother? I have no desire to kill you." "But I", replied Ali, "Have a great desire
to kill you!" The Giant's face flushed with anger. With a cry of rage he sprang off his horse, displaying a degree of agility
surprising in so huge a monster. He hamstrung his horse, drew his sword and rushed at Ali. The fight was on. Amr struck at
Ali many times, but Ali remained unharmed. He would parry the blow with his sword or shield or nimbly step aside to let the
Giant's sword whistle past him harmlessly. At last the Giant stood back, panting and baffled. He wondered how this could be.
Never before had any man survived so long in personal combat against him. And now this boy was looking at him as if he was
playing a game! Then things happened so fast that no one could quite follow the sequence. Ali dropped his sword and shield
to the ground; his body shot through the air like a missile and his hands grasped the Giant's throat; with a wrestler's kick
he knocked the Giant off balance, and the Giant came crashing to the ground-all in a matter of seconds. Now the Giant lay
on his back with Ali sitting astride his chest. The two armies gasped and murmured, then held their breath. The bewilderment
on the Giant's face changed to fury. At last he had been thrown, and by this young upstart who was less than half his size!
But although he was down, he was not finished. He would still win the battle and re-establish his position as the greatest
warrior in Arabia. He would toss this youngster into the air as a leaf is tossed by the wind.
The Giant's face went purple, the veins stood out on his neck and his huge biceps and forearms trembled as he strained to
break Ali's grip. But he could not move it an inch. There was the quality of steel in the muscles of Ali. "Know, O Amr", said
Ali gently, "that victory and defeat depend upon the will of Allah. Accept Islam! Thus not only will your life be spared,
but you will also enjoy the blessings of Allah in this life and the next." Ali drew a sharp dagger from his waistband and
held it close to Amr's throat. But this was more than the Giant could take. Was he whom Arabia
considered her greatest champion to live the rest of his life under the shadow of defeat and disgrace? Was it to be said of
him that he saved his life in personal combat by submitting to the conditions of his opponent? No! He, Amr bin Abdu Wud, had
lived by the sword. He would perish by the sword. A life spent in violence must end with violence. He gathered the spittle
in his mouth and spat into the face of Ali! He knew what would happen. He knew that there would be a sharp intake of breath,
that Ali's right arm would shoot into the air and then plunge the dagger into his throat. Amr was a brave man and could face
death without flinching. He arched his back and raised his chin to offer his throat to Ali, for he knew what was to come.
But what happened next left him even more bewildered. Ali rose calmly from Amr's chest, wiped his face, and stood a few paces
away, gazing solemnly at his adversary. "Know, O Amr, I only kill in the way of Allah and not for any private motive. Since
you spat in my face, my killing you now may be from a desire for personal vengeance. So I spare your life. Rise and return
to your people!" The Giant rose. But there was no question of his returning to his people a loser. He would live a victor,
or not at all. Intending to make one last attempt at victory, he picked up his sword and rushed at Ali. Perhaps he would catch
Ali unaware. Ali had just enough time to pick up his sword and shield and prepare for the fresh assault. The blow which the
Giant now delivered in furious desperation was the most savage blow of the encounter. His sword shattered Ali's shield, but
in doing so lost its force and impetus, and could then do no more than inflict a shallow cut on Ali's temple. The wound was
too slight to worry Ali. Before the Giant could raise his sword again, the Zulfiqar flashed in the sunlight, and it's tip
slashed open the Giant's throat. The blood of the Giant gushed forth like a fountain. For a moment the Giant stood motionless.
Then his body began to sway as if he was drunk. And then he fell on his face with a crash and lay still. The earth did not
shake with the impact of that colossal body. The earth is too big. But the hill of Sil'a shook with the cry of Allah-o-Akbar
that thundered from 2,000 Muslim throats. The triumphant cry echoed through the length and breadth of the valley before it
faded away into the stillness of the desert. Source: Taken from "The Sword of Allah: Khalid bin Al-Waleed: His Life and Campaigns."
by Lieutenant-General A.I. Akram, Rawalpindi, Pakistan<
Description of the connection and relationship
of Nabi Muhammad (s.a.s) with Hazrat Ali bin Abi Tâleb (r.a.)
taken from Rawza Tus-Safâ
by Sheikh Syed Mubarak Ali Jilani Al-Hashmi
connection of 'Ali -- the commander of the faithful with the Nabi -- originiated in the family of Abdul-Muttalleb, Ali having
been the son of Abu Tâleb, the son of Abdul-Muttalleb, the son of Hâshem whose name was Umar, called Omrân the high, on account
of his dignity. During a year of famine and hardship Omrân had gone to Syria, and thence imported bread, on an infinite number
of dromedaries, to the sanctuary, so that every day two camels were slaughtered and roasted; and the dry breads, having been
moistened, were distributed twice daily. He was the first among the Arabs who invited guests to a repast prepared of moistened
bread, and therefore surnamed Hâshem. Other chroniclers, again, have said that Hâshem means one who breaks bread in a cup
to make it a kind of porridge, but the difference between the two meanings is obvious. Hashem was proverbial for his liberality
and unrivalled in gracefullness; the luminous beams of distinction radiated in such a manner from his forehead that whoever
beheld his countenance had not the boldness to contemplate it, but looked to the ground. This the Christian sovereigns knew
from their sacred books, and wished to enter into connection with him. One of these was Harql (Heraclius, the Byzantine emperor),
who sent him an ambassador and offered him a virgin whom he guarded in his private apartments, but Hâshem refrained from complying
with his petition. Afterwards, however, he entered --in consequence of a dream he had -- into a matrimonial alliance, at Madinah,
with Solma, one of the noblest ladies of the Bani Najjar, who was decorated with the ornaments of intellect and sagacity,
on condition that her confinement should take place in her own house. After the consummation of the marriage the lady was
taken to Makkah, but on her becoming pregnant with Abdul-Muttalleb she was on account of the condition again conveyed back
to Madinah, but after she had given birth to Abdul-Muttalleb, Hashem went to Syria, fell sick in the vicinity of Damascus,
and gave directions in his last agony to surrender the bow to the Prophet Esma'il, the banner, and the key of the house of
the Ka'bah, which he had inherited from his forefathers, to Abdul-Muttalleb, and having, though young, bidden farewell to
his perishable world, he was buried in that country, where his tomb is still known and visited. Some say that Hâshem went
to Syria before the birth of Abdul-Muttalleb, and that he had himself given the just-mentioned articles to his brother Muttalleb,
to whom he had also transferred the gubernatorial office, whilst the latter, in his turn, surrendered everything to Abdul-Muttalleb.
But Muttalleb was the son of Abd Munâf whose name was [also] Moghairah and surname Abdush-Shams, but Munâf was likewise the
name of an idol. On account of his great beauty, he was also named Qamar [full moon], and because he had inherited the sovereignty
from his father, the surrounding kings hastened to join Abd Munâf. He had four sons: one of them was Hâshem, about whom some
circumstances have already been mentioned above. Abdush-Shams was the ancester of the Bani Ummayya [called Ommiade Khalifs
by European authors]; Naufil was the forefather of habib, the son of Mu'azim, and Muttalleb of Ali Shafa'i; the latter was
thus surnamed because it is related that Hâshem and Abdush-Shams were twins, whose foreheads were connected at their birth
and could not be separated, until at last the sword was resorted to. An intellignet man, who had been informed of this proceeding,
considered it to be a sign that the descendants of the two brothers would decide their quarrels with the sabre, which prediction
was actually fulfilled in the enmity between his lordship the Nabi (s.a.s.) and Abu Sufyan, between Ali (r.a.a.) the
select and Mu'awiah, and between the Imâm Hussain (r.a.a.) and Yazid.
Documents of the Right Word Paperback - 496 pages Extract from the Preface : Rasulullah 'sall-allahu alaihi
wasallam' made statements warning Muslims against these catastrophes awaiting them. He said, for
one, "My Umma will be divided into seventy- three groups. Of these groups, only those who
follow me and my Ashab shall escape Hell." Fortunately, most of the seventy-two groups who are to
go to Hell are extinct today. Hundreds of millions of Muslims on the earth now are only in the three remaining
groups, i.e. Sunnis, Shiis, and Wahhabis. If these three groups of
Muslims today do not take measures of conciliation and co-operation with one another, if they prefer to abuse one another,
the enemies of Islam will gain grounds to defile Islam, to divide Muslims into yet other groups, and to mislead young people
out of Islam by using all sorts of lies and slanders.
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